Best City Walks Essential Holiday Travel Checklist (Francesca Tirico) 1920

Essential Holiday Travel Checklist

Best City Walks (Dubai)

Photo: Author

Traveling on holiday is intended to be an exhilarating, transformative, and memorable experience, but it can also come with its fair share of anxiety and uncertainty. That’s where a comprehensive travel checklist becomes your trusted companion. 

By planning and organizing your travel essentials, you can embark on your globetrotting adventures with a feeling of ease and confidence. In this blog, we guide you through every essential aspect of planning, ensuring that you have a stress-free travel experience.

Affiliate Links Disclosure – For some of the planning aspects, we have recommended genuine, popular products and services that we have used and/or trust ourselves. When you purchase through links on our website, we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. 

1. Choose Destination

2. Organise Travel Documents

3. Organise Currency & Credit Cards

4. Book Flights

5. Book Hotels

6. Book Airport Transfers
7. Book Car Rental

8. Ensure Travel Insurance

9. Essential Travel Items & Accessories

10. Plan for Adventure Activities & Photography

11. ICT (Information Communication Technology)

12. Health, Safety & Household

1. Choose Destination

Best City Walks destination (Leonhard Niederwimmer Pixabay)

Photo: Leonhard Niederwimmer / Pixabay

When it comes to picking your next adventure spot, it’s like putting together the pieces of a perfect puzzle. Think about what genuinely excites you, what fits your budget, and how long you can soak in the magic of that destination. 

Dive deep into research, uncover the little secrets, understand the local vibes, and get ready to connect with the heart of the place. Plan it out, jot down the must-see spots, and make every moment count. This is your chance to create memories, don’t miss a thing!

2. Organise Travel Documents

Best City Walks travel-docs (Leonhard Niederwimmer Pixabay)

Photo: Leonhard Niederwimmer / Pixabay

Let’s talk documents, the unsung heroes of hassle-free travel! First things first, give your passport a double-check – make sure it’s good to go and won’t play hide-and-seek with expiration dates. If it’s time for a renewal, no worries, better safe than sorry! Now, about those visas, it’s like a little entry ticket to your dream destination. 

Know the rules, some places want it in advance, while others are cool with a ‘hi, I’m here’ on arrival. Oh, and don’t leave home without your resident IDs, they’re the Swiss Army knife of identification. And if your travel plans include hitting the road, your trusty driving license is a must-pack. No license left behind, folks!

3. Organise Currency & Credit Cards

Best City Walks money (Stefan Schweihofer Pixabay)

Photo: Stefan Schweihofer / Pixabay

Let’s talk about money, but not the stressful kind! Being budget-savvy is like having a smooth ride on your travel adventure. Figure out the local currency you’ll need for the little things – snacks, souvenirs, you know the drill. And, guess what? International credit cards are like your trusty sidekick for big-ticket buys, but here’s the catch: keep an eye out for those sneaky foreign transaction fees

No worries, we’re all about smart choices! Do a little research, find the best ways to grab local cash and those low-fee international transactions! Yeah, they’re like a secret treasure map to a worry-free money game.

4. Book Flights

Best City Walks flight (Günther Simmermacher Pixabay)

Photo: Günther Simmermacher / Pixabay

Let’s get those travel wings soaring! When it comes to flights, it’s like finding that perfect puzzle piece for your travel adventure. Compare like a pro – check out different options, prices, and those oh-so-important timings. Trusty travel search engines are your go-to for this flight quest. 

And here’s a savvy tip: flexibility pays off. Switch up the travel dates a bit, and you might just stumble upon some sweet cost savings. Oh, and here’s a golden rule – the early bird gets the deal! Secure those flights ahead of time, and you’ll be riding the savings wave. And if you’re up for a scenic twist, why not explore train journeys at your destination? It’s not just a ride; it’s a memory-making journey.

5. Book Hotels

Best City Walks hotel (Sasin Tipchai Pixabay)

Photo: Sasin Tipchai / Pixabay

Choosing where you’ll rest your adventurous head is a crucial part of the journey, so let’s make it perfect! Think about what floats your travel boat: fancy luxury or cozy charm, city buzz or peaceful hideaway? Your budget’s the boss here, so make sure it plays along. Proximity to attractions? A big thumbs-up! Comfort and safety? Non-negotiable. 

Take a peek at reviews, explore hotel booking websites, and hey, don’t be shy to ask fellow travelers for their two cents. It’s like crowdsourcing travel wisdom! And don’t forget the golden rule of savvy travelers – shop around! Research, compare prices, and make those bookings count. Get ready to have the most amazing, wallet-friendly, and oh-so-comfy stay.

6. Book Airport Transfers

Best City Walks taxi (Stefan Schweihofer Pixabay)

Photo: Stefan Schweihofer / Pixabay

Let’s make your arrival at your dream destination as smooth as a breeze! Ever heard of airport pick-up magic? Lots of hotels offer this nifty service, so why not ping them ahead of time? No more wandering around, dragging bags, or figuring out confusing transportation. 

Your accommodation’s got your back! If that’s not the ticket for you, no worries. Some hotels roll out the red carpet with complimentary shuttles. And if adventure’s your game, check out public transportation options. Make sure they’re reliable and you’re good to go. Let’s kick off your journey with a stress-free, no-hassle arrival. Thank God for airport pick-ups!

7. Book Car Rental

Best City Walks car (Aurélien Pixabay)

Photo: Aurélien / Pixabay

Ready to rock that road trip? If you’re all about the freedom to wander at your own pace, a car rental is your travel buddy. But here’s the scoop – book that ride ahead of time, like a pro, to snag the best rates and ensure they’ve got wheels waiting for you. Safety first! 

Check out reliable car rental companies, hear what fellow adventurers have to say, and compare prices. Trustworthy and cost-effective is the name of the game. Oh, and a little local know-how doesn’t hurt. Familiarize yourself with the driving rules and, if needed, grab that international driving license / permit. Let’s hit the road, adventure awaits!

8. Ensure Travel Insurance

est City Walks insurance (fernando zhiminaicela Pixabay)

Photo: Fernando Zhiminaicela / Pixabay

Alright, let’s talk travel insurance, the unsung hero of peace-of-mind travel! Picture this: you’re out there, exploring, living your best travel life, and suddenly, life throws a curveball. That’s where travel insurance steps in. Medical emergencies, trip disruptions, lost luggage – it’s got your back. But, and this is a big BUT, not all insurance is created equal. 

You need a trusty partner, a coverage superhero that matches YOUR needs. Take a moment, read those policy details like a detective, and make sure it jives with your adventure plans. And hey, don’t shy away from asking the pros if you’re in doubt. Safety first, let’s make this journey unforgettable in all the right ways!

9. Essential Travel Items & Accessories

Best City Walks accessories (StockSnap Pixabay)

Photo: StockSnap / Pixabay

The excitement starts – let’s talk packing! The secret to stress-free travel! Comfort is key, so pack like a pro, considering the weather and what you’ll be up to at your destination. It’s like preparing for a new adventure chapter. And oh, the little things matter! Don’t leave behind the travel essentials – toiletries, power adapters, chargers (can’t let your gadgets run out of juice), luggage locks, and a trusty first-aid kit just in case. 

Now, here’s the packing magic trick – packing cubes and compression bags! They’re like the superheroes of luggage space, keeping things neat, organized, and wrinkles at bay. Speaking of neat, don’t forget your travel documents – go digital and carry the physical copies, just to be extra safe. No last-minute hiccups here, just smooth sailing!

10. Plan for Adventure Activities & Photography

Best City Walks adventure (Brigitte Werner Pixabay)

Photo: Brigitte Werner / Pixabay

Let’s amp up that adventure! It’s all about the thrill, right? So here’s the deal – plan ahead for those heart-pounding activities. Whether it’s hiking, rafting, soaring in the skies, zip-lining, or taking a breathtaking balloon ride, booking in advance secures your spot in the memory-making escapades. 

And, let’s not forget the golden rule of modern travel: the camera, or the trusty smartphone, is your sidekick. Be ready to capture those epic moments! But here’s the tech-smart tip: check your memory space, and make sure you’ve got enough juice (a.k.a. batteries) to snap away. No missed shots of the epic sunset or the adrenaline-pumping rafting trip!

11. ICT (Information Communication Technology)

Best City Walks ICT (Dariusz Sankowski Pixabay)

Photo: Dariusz Sankowski / Pixabay

Staying connected and tech-savvy on your journey is a game-changer! First things first – prep for mobile magic. Look into local mobile networks and SIM cards. Local SIM for the win, but international roaming could be your go-to – choose what suits your adventure needs. Now, tech hiccup? Not on our watch! Back up those crucial documents and data – cloud storage and offline backups, because safety first, right? 

Speaking of docs, don’t leave home without your digital and physical copies – passports, visas, boarding passes, all the essentials. Oh, and the language barrier? No worries! Language translation apps, travel and map apps, and some handy electronic travel guides – they’re your navigation sidekicks. 

12. Health, Safety & Household

Best City Walks Health Safety (pxhere-com)

Photo: pxhere-com

Let’s talk health and home prep, the essentials for a worry-free adventure! First things first, make sure you’re all good in the health department. Chat up your healthcare provider, get those vaccinations squared away, and check if your destination has any special requirements. Now, onto the medical kit – be prepared! 

Carry your meds, prescriptions, and a rockstar first-aid kit. We’re all about being ready for any health hiccups. And speaking of being ready, don’t forget home sweet home! Loop in a neighbor or friend you trust, let them know you’re off on your adventure. Extra points if you’ve got fur babies – consider professional pet care, ’cause they deserve some love too! Peace of mind, healthy travels, and a happy home – that’s the goal!

Travel Responsibly

Travel responsibly (Stefan Schweihofer Pixabay)

Photo: Stefan Schweihofer / Pixabay

Traveling is about being awesome global citizens while having a blast on our adventures. It’s all about respect – respecting the amazing cultures, customs, and traditions of the places we visit. Get in the know, dress modestly when it feels right, and adapt to the local groove. We’re all about sustainability too! 

High-fives for minimizing waste, conserving those precious resources, and giving a boost to the local economy. Keep the critters happy by avoiding activities that harm them or their homes – we want to leave nothing but good vibes. 


And here’s the thing, a little planning goes a long way. With a solid travel checklist, you’ll breeze through your journey stress-free. From picking the dream destination to nailing those travel docs, finding the perfect spot to rest, and having all your essentials in check – we’ve got this! Let’s create unforgettable memories and make a positive impact on the world, one adventure at a time. Bon voyage!

Travel Booking Links



Tours & Activities

Car Rentals

Airport Transfers

Travel Insurance

Affiliate Links Disclosure

Best City Walks is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our website, we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. We only recommend genuine, popular products and services that we have used and/or trust ourselves.

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